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An interview about self-harm

The person whom I interviewed wishes to remain anonymous. This person is aged 19 from Essex, England. This person has struggled with self-harm and is on the road to recovery.

Me: At what age did you start self harming?

Anon: I started self harming at the age of 15.

Me: Why did you start self harming?

Anon: I started self harming because it was the only way I could find to deal with trauma. I also found it soothing to harm myself when I was at the point of hating myself so much that I wanted to do so. Blood is what made me feel good, if I didn't see blood, then to me there was no point.

Me: Did you ever try drugs to forget the pain?

Anon: I have done drugs, but only weed and poppers. I used them as a way to numb myself, but they didn't work.

Me: Were you depressed? Why were you depressed (i.e. traumatic situation, etc)?

Anon: To be honest yes I was, but at the time I was unaware of it. I am not sure completely as to why I was depressed. I just started feeling uncomfortable in my own skin, and linking to the next question, I was sexually assaulted when I was 13; which others believe to be a huge part to it. I personally am not so sure, but can you ever be sure on what causes such low moods? I don't think you can.

Me: Who was the first person you told?

Anon: I didn't tell anyone I got found out.

Me: How long did you keep it a secret?

Anon: I kept it a secret for a good 6 months, and then my sister noticed. She told my mum before I even knew she had realized.

Me: Did you ever lie about how you got the scars?

Anon: Yes, I did lie. For a while I used to blame it on my 'friends cat', but obviously it wasn't that. Eventually, though it got to a point where they were too deep to get away with just being cat scratches. I did always wear long sleeves to hide it.

Me: When did you finally get help?

Anon: I sought help in January 2014 after my first suicide attempt. I was then eventually hospitalized for a total of 11 months in 3 different admissions.

Me: How long have you been clean?

Anon: I have been clean for almost 2 months.

Me: If a person is self harming where should they seek help?

Anon: I advise that for people who are self-harming or even thinking of it, to tell someone straight away. It isn't something to be ashamed of. A parent, a relative. If you're not comfortable talking to them then another trusted adult. It is important to talk to adults as someone who is young or a friend may struggle with what to do.

Me: How should you approach a person you think is self harming?

Anon: I think the best way to approach someone is to straight out ask. 'Are you self-harming?' 'Have you thought of harming yourself?' it's the best way to do it. There is no point beating around the bush, if it's happening they need help, and they need it fast before it becomes a habit or addiction (which it does). If they are, then give them support, and tell them you are there. Don't make them promise they'll never do it again. Rather promise that they'll speak to you if they feel like doing it again. Don't make them feel bad, or selfish, because they aren't. They are someone who is going through a lot of pain or emptiness that needs love.

If you or someone you know is struggling with self-harm there is support through the NHS. The service is called CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services). Here is the link for CAMHS .


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