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Interview with Blythe Thomas

This interview is with Blythe Thomas, 25, who is currently a documentary photographer/videographer and music video director. She currently resides in Nashville, TN.

Me: Please give a brief synopsis of what led you to where you are now.

Blythe: I was a Mass Communication major/Journalism minor at Belmont University - which happened to be a music school. After a life changing abroad trip in South Africa, where I was able to connect with the children there through photography, I went back to school and started shooting with my friends there who were also incredibly talented musicians. For a year and a half, I shot photos and segued into videos. One of them ended up going viral directly after I graduated, and pushed me really into the video world (thankfully so); Viral Video with Louisa Wendorff. Now I'm a documentary photographer/videographer and music video director.

Me: Who encouraged you to pursue your dream?

Blythe: My parents have always been encouraging of what I do and my passions. Then, I found an incredible community of friends in Nashville that still equal parts encourage and inspire me.

Me: Have you thought of going into something different?

Blythe: For now, I'm very happy where I am. I've learned I can never guess what the future holds, but if I could express wild dreams for the future, I would love to one day make a documentary and maybe even get into motion pictures. That would be way down the line. I love working in music now though. I never want to pick just one thing. What I love about my job now, is that every day is different.

Me: What is the highlight of your career so far?

Blythe: I would say directing Grace VanderWaal's music video for "Moonlight", given how spectacular the day was and how grateful I am for that opportunity. But there have been so many exceptional moments along the way. My first tour with Moxie Raia, the viral video journey, getting to hire and work with my best friends, working with people I've always looked up to.

Me: Name a reason you won't take on a project.

Blythe: If I'm overloaded or if the art doesn't mesh with my own - solely because I want that artist to have someone bring justice to their work. Usually I'll pass given my schedule.

Me: Does your job conflict with your faith sometimes?

Blythe: Nope, I don't talk faith necessarily unless it comes up. I have been wearing a "My Intent" bracelet on my right wrist, for over a year now, and it says "to be light." Cheesy, but true. So, whether I talk faith or not, my goal in every job is to bring the light of God and love. Making everyone comfortable.

Me: What would you say to someone getting into your field?

Blythe: I would say practice! Whether you have an iPhone or $3,000.00 camera. Practice with your friends, see if it brings you joy/is fun. If so, keep doing it. Add YouTube tutorials into the mix to get better (setting goals). Email everyone you can in hopes of shadowing them.

Me: Would you have done anything differently so far?

Blythe: Sometimes I overpromise, get excited at ideas, and I can disappoint people in overpromising while being overcommitted. So while I have no formal regrets, I try to keep better boundaries now. All a part of growing up. But I love dreaming intensely and passionately, so it's a balance.

Me: What words of wisdom do you always carry with you?

Blythe: Keep a pulse on your intention with what you're doing, why do you do what you do? Is it positive? Negative? Self-serving? Keep yourself centered, balanced. Meditate, haha. Nothing worthwhile is ever easy has been my favorite saying for a long time now.


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